Firefighters & EMS Fund Attends National EMS Today Conference

Fire Fighters and EMS Fund -Press Release-min

TAMPA, FL – Executive Director of Firefighters & EMS Fund, Nile Porter, attended the EMS Today Conference in Tampa, FL on behalf of the organization. EMS Today is an annual conference for networking and continuing education for EMS professionals from all over the world. EMS Today is produced by JEMS, the leader in EMS education for over 37 years.

“This conference is always immensely valuable,” said Nile Porter about attending this year, “But this year felt especially vital. Our EMS professionals are on the front lines and as the world and our health concerns continue to change rapidly, it is up to us to continue to stay well-informed.” 

Porter spent most of his time networking, attending sessions, and exploring new innovative products and services in the exhibit hall. 

“Public safety is a big issue for Firefighters & EMS Fund, and this event allows us to make sure we are staying up to date and engaged with everyone in this field- from paramedics to medical directors to Fire Service EMS personnel. We need to continue to work together and build our networks out so we can continue to help each other both nationally and internationally.” Nile Porter continued to say. 

As a grassroots movement, Firefighters & EMS Fund works diligently to bring fire & EMS professionals together with citizens to provide a grassroots voice for first responders across the country in the state and local political process.

Nile Porter was honored to attend the EMS Today conference and bring all that he learned back to the organization. This information will guide how FEMSF supports fire and EMS professionals, and it means a lot to Firefighters & EMS Fund to be able to make meaningful connections with other attendees.

Contact Firefighters and EMS Fund

Nile Porter
Executive Director
(703) 844-2285