NFPA Conference & Expo (2019)

Firefighters and EMS Fund - NFPA Conference 2019 - San Antonio-min

Firefighters and EMS Fund is proud to have attended the National Fire Protection Association‘s (NFPA) conference and expo. We landed in San Antonio on June 17th and eagerly began to plan out which education sessions we wanted to attend. It was our objective at these sessions to gain insightful information to share with our supporters. 

Firefighters and EMS Fund attended the NFPA conference and expo -San Antonio Texas
Firefighters and EMS Fund attended the NFPA conference and expo - Image 3
NFPA conference and expo - Firefighters and EMS Fund-min

On Tuesday morning, the 18th we attended a Post-Fire Skin Decontamination session to learn about practices used to decontaminate gear as well as some difficulties in such practices.

On Wednesday morning, we attended a US Firefighter Fatalities Information Session.

They discussed firefighter fatalities and the circumstances in which they most often occur. Some of the information was surprising and quite eye-opening. For example, the number of crash deaths for firefighters has remained consistent over the last few decades, despite the number of calls increasing steadily from 10 million to over 35 million per year. 

Firefighters and EMS Fund - NFPA Recap - Quotes

In the evening we attended a seminar on Rules of Engagement for Firefighter Health and Wellness. We learned the importance and impact that preventative health screenings can have on entire departments well being and overall effectiveness.

Please stay tuned over the coming weeks as we dive deeper into each educational session and provide even more information in blog posts pertaining to what we learned at the event.

We are proud to be a member of the National Fire Protection Association and look forward to returning next year.