Firefighters & EMS Fund Releases 2018 Fire Referendum Report

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ARLINGTON, Virginia – Firefighters and EMS Fund, a Virginia-based political organization dedicated to advocating for the safety and well-being of firefighters and first responders, has released the results of a comprehensive study of 62 ballot measures from the 2018 election cycle. The report, which took into account local referendums from the primary and general elections in 16 states, reveals many interesting findings on the current state of fire jurisdictions in the United States.

Nile Porter, Executive Director of the organization, said, “At its core, the Firefighter and EMS Fund is dedicated to supporting ballot initiatives that directly affect firefighters and other first responders. By conducting the 2018 Referendum Report, we were able to better identify trends around the country and areas in particular need of further political support.”

Firefighters and EMS Fund hopes this report will provide local fire jurisdictions with information that will help them be more successful with local ballot measures in the future. Insights found in this report include how timing of the elections can increase or decrease chances of referendums being approved, as well as the type of referendums that have the best chance of being passed.

The report is currently available for download on the organization’s website. You can view it at

The mission of Firefighters and EMS Fund is to provide a grassroots voice for firefighters across the country in the state and local political process. The mission begins by supporting ballot initiatives and working to elect political leaders at the state and local level that understand firefighters’ and public safety officers’ interests.

Contact Firefighters and EMS Fund

Nile Porter
Executive Director
(703) 844-2285