2012- 2022 Firefighter Fatality Report Published, Sheds Light on Past Decade of Work-Related Deaths in Fire Industry 

Fire Fighters and EMS Fund -Press Release-min

[WASHINGTON D.C., 09/21/2022]Firefighters & EMS Fund has published an in-depth analysis of work-related firefighter deaths over the last 10 years. The Firefighter Fatality Report: 2012-2022 explores fatality trends over the last decade, including deaths by location, rank, age, and cause. 

Firefighter Fatality Report PDF

The report was compiled by analyzing reported work-related deaths for firefighters across all 50 states and US territories, including Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. The years studied were 2012 through the current year to date reports in 2022. 

“Ultimately, our goal with this analysis was to provide insight into these tragic deaths on what might be causing them and who might be most at risk. We hope that this report will be informative, and awareness can be raised around the issue of firefighter mortality. Hopefully, we can even use this information to reduce work related deaths in the future,” Firefighters & EMS Fund Executive Director Jane Porter said in a statement.

Firefighters & EMS Fund is a grassroots political organization that provides a grassroots voice for firefighters across the country in the state and local political process. Their mission is to provide a political voice to the many great Fire & EMS personnel who bravely serve our communities through supporting ballot initiatives and working to elect political leaders at the state and local level that understand our firefighters’ and public safety officers’ interests.

To download the free report, visit https://www.fireandemsfund.com/announcing-firefighter-fatality-report/ 

Firefighters and EMS Fund is a national political organization organized under Section 527 of the IRS Tax Code. Contributions are not tax deductible. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Contact Firefighters and EMS Fund

Jane Porter
Executive Director
(703) 844-2285